Oracle Technology Consultancy Limited Business
If your business is located in the Helsinki or Uusimaa
area, this is a 30 day valid offer you can not afford to
loose. This offer is for your company, free of charge and
without any sort of compromise on your side: 24 hours of
Oracle technology consultancy time, for the following
Consultancy services offered.
- Oracle database product migration and setup for
versions 8, 8i, 9i and 10g
- Oracle iAS setup and configuration support for any
releases for versions 9i and 10g
- Application and Database tuning.
In order to benefit your company with this offer please
send an e-mail to "carlos llamas at insoldi.com"
(substitute "at" word by "@" symbol before sending the
email). This business offer is limited to the Uusima and
Helsinki area, although others regions might apply upon
request. Of course, start date has to be agreed upon and
is subject to availability. Once your request is filed
there is a 30 days limit to make this offer effective.
Business offer for web design.
If you want to know about this other offer simply click
this link. "Business offer for
small business".